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Husband and Wife Volunteer for CASA

Interview with a husband and wife who are both CASA/GAL's within the CASA/GAL Program of Summit County.


Bob and Linda Fiatal have devoted their lives to serving, educating, and advocating for children and families, so becoming Court Appointed Special Advocates was a natural fit. Bob worked as an FBI agent, and Linda devoted her career to teaching special education.

 In 2014, Linda became a CASA volunteer and Bob followed in 2018. Between the two of them, they advocated for 30 children in 14 families in their tenure with CASA. Neither shied away from challenging cases or cases with large sibling groups- always willing to help wherever needed. Recently the Fiatals relocated to Columbus, Ohio to be closer to their grandchildren and enjoy watching them play sports and traveling.

Although leaving Summit County, Linda maintained her CASA case until it closed to avoid a new CASA being appointed to the children. They may have moved away, but that hasn't stopped them from making a difference. They have already contacted Franklin County to continue as Court Appointed Special Advocates! Before moving, Linda and Bob were kind enough to answer a few questions and share their story.

Why did you become a CASA volunteer?

We were public servants for our careers, Bob as an FBI agent, then as an Assistant Attorney General for the state of Ohio. For me (Linda), my desire has always been to advocate for children, and my career as a special education teacher fulfilled that for many years. 

What kept you motivated to continue volunteering with CASA?

Linda: I love working with the children and the families and seeing the improvements in the children’s lives.  Every little positive is a win for me. 

Bob: It was a personal sense of achievement and seeing I was able to make a difference.

What advice do you have for new CASA volunteers?

Bob: Talk to your supervisor (VC) and don't be judgmental. 

Linda: Listen! Listen to the stories, listen to the children, listen to what isn’t being said, and keep quiet and listen.  Be both an active and a passive listener.  The real story is there if you truly listen.