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CASA Board 2023 Impact

Dear Friends of the CASA/GAL Program of Summit County,

View our 2023 Impact report


Dear Friends of the CASA/GAL Program of Summit County, 

In 2023, 166 CASA/GAL Volunteers advocated for 761 abused and neglected children in Summit County. These statistics speak to how powerful and important the CASA/GALProgram of Summit County is to the children of our community.

CASA/GAL (Court Appointed Special Advocate/Guardian ad Litem) volunteers help ensure the child receives the services they need and provide a voice for children in the juvenile courtroom. This is already a difficult time for the youth involved in these cases and having a CASA/GAL provides them with someone they can trust. The CASA volunteer is that presence and brings hope to each child so they can see a brighter future.

The case volunteers are seeing casses that are becoming more complex and lasting longer. The rise in cases post-pandemic has not dwindled; that coupled with the complexity and emotional toll of this volunteer position, we are constantly recruiting and training new volunteers. Thanks to your generosity, the Board continues to develop and execute volunteer retention and recruitment strategies to ensure that this program continues to succed. 

The CASA Board Volunteer Association Inc. is tasked with support the program of Summit County, under the leadership of Judge Linda Tucci Teodosio and Beth Cardina, by fundriasing to support the volunteers. in 2023 the CASA board raised almost $360,000 to assist volunteer to carry out their mission to ensure every child has a voice in and out of the courtroom. 

You can continue to help in several ways; become a CASA volunteer, assist with fundraisers, trainingsand/orspecial events, join out board; give a charitable donation or invite us to speak at your organization. 

Thank you for your support. Together, we can chana child's story. 

Amanda Carroll

2023 Board Chair