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CASA Volunteer Spotlight - Candy Tucciarelli

"I knew I could make a difference - because I lived it", says CASA volunteer Candy

"I knew I could make a difference - because I lived it", says CASA volunteer Candy Tucciarelli. Candy first became aware of the CASA program about 10 years ago from a personal family experience with her grandson. Candy shared, "We worked with a CASA who was amazing and really helped our family. When I saw what a difference she made, a light went off!" 

Candy has served 2 families with 5 children total since becoming a Court Appointed Special Advocate in September, 2021. One of her cases was especially involved (760 days) and had multiple changes in providers and other professionals, yet Candy remained a constant force of advocacy in the children's lives. She advocated in court for more oversight and services on the case which included specialized trauma counseling, changes to visitation when issues arose, in addition to an IEP and wrap around case management services through community partners.

Lisa Rotondo, Candy's VC says, "It is because of Candy's commitment and advocacy those children remained with safe family members and were linked with interventions they may never have otherwise received due to cost and time". Candy's advice to new CASA/GAL volunteers is to empathize with everyone involved while advocating for the kiddos. Candy's passion and compassion shine brightly as she speaks up as the voice for children in need and we are thankful she is a part of the CASA/GAL Program of Summit County.

When Candy isn't volunteering, she enjoys her role as grandmother and spending time with her family. She keeps busy with her and her husband's commercial construction company as a full time property manager/job coordinator.